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My server is sponzored with banners - to find password you must click on my sponsor , and find pasword.

On the botom right corner you will see few words - last word is pasword

Example:All rights xxxxxxxx (password is xxxxxxxx)

username = free10

password =find it on banner

(max . 20 users on same time)



Please SUPPORT US with Clicks !!!

Klik on sponsor and wait for page to open !


DSL Education link Netopia

password for free acces (max . 20 users on same time)last word is pasword

username je free

password =find it on banner

Net2phone Homepage

password for free acces (max . 10 users on same time)last word is pasword

username je free3

password =find it on banner


Please SUPPORT US with Clicks !!!

Ok...Thx for Your Support We need it to keep servers alive... Costs are big and paycheck is not so big ...